Saturday, September 4, 2010

Accepting Ourselves, and the Importance of Friends

The Sun Blush Rose
These roses are my absolute favorites! Every time a Sun Blush rose bud blossoms into a gorgeous rose, I am reminded how much God loves me. I like thinking that these beautiful roses are a gift to me from God, because of the way I feel so touched and loved whenever I see them and smell their lovely fragrance. God has blessed me in many ways, and a lot of times I forget because I am human. Even though I am a pastor's daughter, I am still human; I am not perfect.
However, God made me the I am. A lot of times I need to be reminded of that, whether from a close friend or from my own revelation. Accepting the way we are isn't always easy, but God will give us the strength to do so if we only ask Him.
Have you accepted the way you are? This is something I pray about daily, and sometimes I slip up and have a meltdown about it. Sometimes it takes a good friend to calm me down and face the facts, sometimes it takes a thorough reading of the Bible to get me back on track. Then I have to get things right with God, dry up my tears, and decide to thank God that no matter what, He loves me and knows I'm beautiful, on the inside and out.
God gave us friends to lean upon for encouragement and support; He placed people in our lives for us to encourage and support; He gave us friends to love and to create good memories with; He gave us friends, so we could uplift each other, and keep us focused on God and His glory.
Friends are a true blessing. Have you thanked your friends today for being there for you? For creating sweet/hilarious/never-ending memories? For uplifting you daily, and helping you always remember that God knows everything,-He is NOT ignorant to the happenings of the world-has everything under control, and loves us more than we can ever imagine?  
With love to y'all,
 -Simply Jen

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