Monday, November 22, 2010

Doc Holiday

Today, I am thankful for my sweetheart of a donkey, Doc Holiday. In the mornings, he is my alarm clock-he will literally bray until I drag myself out of bed and go feed him; but I still love him. In the afternoon, he sure lets us know when he's hungry and that it's time to feed! Doc's come a long way from when he first arrived at Simply Scaife's Family Farm, to my Lil Nips Herd of goats. At first, he hadn't really been handled by humans too much, was skittish of people (especially of guys), and rarely made any noise.
    However, with some gentleness, love, and singing, he has come to life! Doc loves to eat hay, and will do little bitty brays whenever I go to feed him, kind of an I-love-you-and-the-hay-too. He'll run and kick when in the big pastures, he protects my little goats and Mama's chickens, and whenever he sees me, he'll bray and come running to see his mama. :-D
   What are you thankful for today?

-Simply Jen