Sunday, February 17, 2013

DIY Face Mask

Hey you guys! It has been such a hectic week! - no time to blog - so sad. :( But! Just  two nights ago, I tried this amazing DIY Mask. It worked wonders for my skin!
   I found the "recipe" on - where some of the most amazing things are. I will admit, when you put on the mask on, you may want to do so with some in your room, when no body's home, or with a bunch of friends over so you can all look silly together! The main reason being? The And MY family (love you guys SO much) had a hay-day with comments on my "new look".
    AT ANY RATE! I can honestly say after just one use, it reduced the redness of my skin, shrunk some of my pores, and improved my acne scars. That being said, here is the magical recipe:
 DIY Honey Face Mask

[ I give all credit to the picture to this website - check them out! :) ]

   1 t. cinnamon
   1 t. nutmeg
   2 t. honey.

Mix the gooey goodness together in a coffee mug or small jar, using a spoon....or, if you're like me, just use your fingers! It was kind of hard to mix all the spices in with the honey, and it'll be a clumpy-ish mess. Just saying. But, when it's mixed together fairly well, spread that mess all over your clean face! You can leave it on for up to 30 minutes, I think I put it on and then studied for about 20 minutes....great multi-tasking ;)
     When you're ready to take the sucker off, rinse off with warm water and small circular scrubbing motions with your hands - a double whammy! A face mask, and exfoliator. Voila!! Pat your face dry, and enjoy the beautiful results! You may not be able to fully appreciate them until the next morning, but you will definitely be so happy when you wake up and look in the mirror - only to realize you don't need HALF as much make-up as you did yesterday! Yaayyy!!!

Let me know how this goes for you guys! Feedback is always appreciated on blog posts, post content, topics, etc etc etc. Also, if you guys have any requests for posts or whatnot, comment away :)

Love always,
   Simply Jenn

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Puppy Love

I made a Puppy Love hat!I give all credit for the pattern and inspiration to the blog "Repeat Crafter Me" found at this link: ht :)
   Here's my little guy! I made it in the 6-9mo size. Hope you guys enjoy! And please get out the above mentioned website, it has tons of wonderful ideas!

Working on hat, just the beginning! So much fun, so much spinning.....
in circles. :)

 The hat is finished! Hooray for me! What's this you say?
There's more to make for play??

Earflaps come, earflaps go, see them fly, see them sew!

 And voila! Below you'll see, a Puppy Love hat, 
for you and for me. :)

Haha I hope you enjoyed my little pathway through my project process! I hope y'all enjoy making some Puppy Love hats for the little cuties on Valentine's Day.

  Simply Jenn

Friday, February 8, 2013


Sooo, secret's out! I write poetry in my free time. I haven't in quite a while....but here's a poem I wrote quite a while ago that I'd like to share with you all today.

How can you make a choice,
leaning Left and Right?
For on each side of the fence,
'Tis someone pleads
their plight.
A lover on one side,
the World on the other,
"To thine own self be true",
Yet what of your
Whilst on this tilting ship I stand,
Faltering with each step,
 And haste, a decision
must be made,
Yet to what consequence?
-Simply Jenn-

Bella Bunny

Mister Bunny's sister has arrived!! Isn't she cute? :)

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photo 2.JPG
   Simply Jenn

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New Project!

      I decided to borrow one of my favorite books from the library! It's called Blueprint Crochet by Robyn Chochuto.

It mainly has adorable sweater patterns, but it all has to do with the art of blueprint crochet - following a crochet motif, instead of necessarily written out directions. I've made one of her sweaters before, but being so petite it's hard to find clothes that fit me - and even more so, make things that fit me. Soooo I'm going to try this adorable little sweater pattern, and see where it takes me...and whether or not I can find some modifications to make it fit attractively.

This picture shows the motif I'm working on, and you can get a glimpse of what the blueprint motif pattern looks like.

And this is what I hope the finished product will look like! :) Except in my color of choice, baby blue. 

 I hope y'all will enjoy my project updates throughout the crocheting process of this lovely garment :) And again, I apologize for the off-and-on blogging, it depends on my homework loads and what kind of crazy happens each day.
 Love always,
     Simply Jenn