Friday, May 7, 2010

Be yourself!

Thomas Edison once said, "An opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls, and looks like work." I love that saying! My family is a overall wearing, button-up loving, bandana tyein' kind of family, and we're looked down upon by many because of how we dress and act. However, God loves each of us for our individuality, for our uniquiness! If we all dressed and looked alike, this world would be the saddest, most dreary world! We need to be different, and in all honesty we are FREE TO BE OURSELVES! Who cares what others think? As long as you're living for God, being modest, being respectable, you are free to be you, to be who God made you to be. Don't be persuaded by the world, by hearing people say "you need to dress/act THIS way to fit in or be popular" yet it feels wrong or uncomfortable. Listen to your heart, and listen to God.
Love y'all!
Simply Jen


  1. Aww, that kitty picture is adorable! Which kitty is it? Is that your dog in the first picture? What's he doing? That's really true what you said!

  2. Aww, that kitty picture is adorable! Which kitty is it? Is that your dog in the first picture? What is he doing? You have great picture perspective! That's really true what you said!
    Miss you,

  3. Thanks! The cat is Gumdrop, and it's actually a picture of my Lil Nip, Levi, laying in a pile of leaves, completely content. =) Thank you again.
    Love y'all,
    Simply Jen

  4. You are so right Jen! We should not have to worry about what other people think about what we wear. It is much more important to think about if God is pleased, if this is something that does not bring shame to him (e.g.: as by drawing to much attention to myself). Thanks for the reminder that I don't have to "fit in."
    -Cake Baker

  5. You're very welcome, and thanks for the sweet comments. =)
    Simply Jen
